A God

Chapter 1

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The watch wasn’t a fair trade. And it wouldn’t ease any of his son’s fears. He could tell by how slowly the boy pulled the car keys from his pocket. 

“Is this about the drought?” Jack asked, while strapping the watch around Cole-boy’s wrist. “I never should’ve taught you about how quickly dry brush burns.”

“This is about the snake, Dad.” Cole-boy answered. “It ate you.”

“That nightmare you had.” Jack stated.

Cole-boy nodded and swiped the back of his hand beneath each eye.

“You probably dreamt of a snake because we saw one in the yard last night.”

Rattled breath drew in through the boy’s nose. “That was a harmless garter snake.”

“What was different about his one?”

“It was up on Hollow Mountain.” The boy nodded over the rooftops at its brown peak. “And you were searching for it.”

Jack chuckled. “Seems like a stupid idea on my part.”

“Then don’t go.”

Jack sighed — hunkering down in front of his son. “This…” He ran his thumb over the watch. “Is what’s real.”

“Time?” Cole-boy looked into his eyes.

“Mm-hm.” He ruffled up his brown hair. “Try and remember that when your dreams scare you.”

“Time is still real even while you’re dreaming, Dad.”




Ch. 2