
Chapter 6

“Just go,” Andria said.

Gravel rattled under the car as Cole backed up, throwing their bodies forward. Andria gasped when the seatbelt caught her chest. “I didn’t mean kill us,” she exclaimed. The worn leather seat burned the bottoms of her legs. She shifted her body up so they wouldn’t touch.

“You said, ‘just go’ — all Batman-like.” Cole grinned sideways, jostling both their bodies as the tires hopped in and out of potholes. “So I’m gonna pull out of here like I’m in a Die Hard movie. Yippy-ki-yay motherfu-.”

“Just don’t almost ram us into a bridge this time,” she spoke over him.

He gritted his teeth. They were perfect and white after having his braces removed earlier that year. “Someone had to get those fruit roll-ups out of the glove compartment.”

“Could’ve asked for help.”

“No way, Miss Butterfingers.” Cole shook his head once, his messy brown hair catching over his ears. “I’m gonna hold you to what you once told me.”

She rolled her eyes and looked at him, still hovering in an awkward stance to keep her legs from touching the seat.


Ch. 5